Greg offers his time free of charge. In order for this method of not asking for money to work, there has to be trust in the generosity of those who are benefiting from our work. There can only be trust in someone’s generosity when that person performs acts of giving. Without your spontaneous, or considered, acts of generosity, this method of supporting the teachers and teachings will not bear fruit.
Whenever you feel gratitude for this approach to meditation and its effect on your life, please remember us. While the feeling is still alive, please make a donation. It will be honored and appreciated by us. You will never get a letter or email from us asking you to give again, or help fund a project, or anything of the sort. Your gift from your heart means so much to us.
Our greatest hope is that you continue with your meditation practice. That is truly the gift of the Dharma.
You may give directly to teachers at events, mail cheques to the address below, or via electronic funds transfer to:
Greg Bantick – Suncorp – BSB 484799 Account number 031975587
Greg Bantick – 32/37 Phillips Street, Spring Hill, Qld. Australia 4000