11 Tips on How to Maintain Breast Health

by Honora Lee Wolfe, author of Better Breast Health Naturally with Chinese Medicine, Blue Poppy Press, Boulder, CO 1. Keep alcohol consumption moderate. Many studies have shown that alcohol consumption does increase breast cancer rates by a certain percentage....

Mindfulness Of Food & Eating

Paying attention to your relationship to food is important for your health. Listening to your body and observing the activity of your mind in relationship to food can help you to make and maintain healthy changes in your diet. When we are on automatic pilot, we tend...

Mindfulness Of Work Stress

If you are not working, but looking for work or studying, whatever you daily activities are you can modify these suggestions for your specific situation. When you wake up, take a few quiet moments to affirm you are choosing to go to work today. If you can, briefly...

Some thoughts on calming the mind

People often ask about how to calm their mind, because it is always so busy. It seems especially so when we want to sleep or if we wake in the middle of the night.  At least a part of this problem is our relationship to thinking. If our mind is busy and we don’t like...

Home help for coughs and colds

Home help for coughs and colds If you wake with a scratchy, sore throat, maybe a stuffy nose or any symptoms that suggest you may be getting a cold, act immediately. Don’t wait to see if it will get worse. One of the main differences between traditional East Asian...